Gautschi O, Zander T, Keller FA, Strobel K, Hirschmann A, Aebi S, Diebold J

Gautschi O, Zander T, Keller FA, Strobel K, Hirschmann A, Aebi S, Diebold J. however been translated into effective healing strategies [2], extensive genomic profiling provides emerged being a promising strategy that allows the id of genomic biomarkers that may inform the usage of targeted therapy in scientific trials. This healing genomic paradigm is most beneficial confirmed in tumors that are powered by activated proteins tyrosine kinases because of oncogenic mutations or rearranged chromosomal fusion [3]. Traditional for example gefitinib inhibition of mutant kinase in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and imatinib inhibition of fusion kinase in chronic myeloid leukemia [4, 5]. Oncogenic point mutations and rearranged fusions induce hereditary and sporadic tumors [6]. fusion kinase occurs in nearly one-third of papillary thyroid cancer and 2% of lung adenocarcinoma, but is not yet identified in CRC [6]. fusion kinase juxtaposes the C-terminal kinase domain to an N-terminal coiled-coil or leucine zipper dimerization domain from multiple 5 fusion partners to trigger ligand independent activation of downstream signaling pathways such as RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT [6, 7]. Here, we prospectively identified by comprehensive genomic profiling the presence of fusion kinase in CRC patients. Evidence of therapeutic response in CRC patient with a fusion treated with the RET kinase inhibitor regorafenib highlights the therapeutic importance of genomic profiling in colorectal cancer. RESULTS Characterization of fusions in CRC patients To identify novel oncogenic drivers in colorectal cancer that may be targeted therapeutically, we performed prospective comprehensive genomic profiling using next generation sequencing (NGS) on metastatic colorectal tumors in the complete coding sequence of 236 cancer-related genes and the introns of 19 frequently rearranged cancer-related genes (Supplemental Table 1). Prior retrospective analyses with NGS of 40 CRC specimens detected a fusion kinase but did not identify any fusion kinase [8]. As expected, we detected mutations in and fusion kinases to give a frequency of 0.2% (Figure ?(Figure1A).1A). The clinicopathologic characteristics of these six fusion-positive CRC patients revealed the absence of a concurrent driver mutation or other fusion tyrosine kinases (Figure ?(Figure1B).1B). We identified two novel fusion kinases involving 5 fusion partners ((fusion kinase with amino-terminal exon 1-2 and carboxyl-terminal exon 11-19 (Figure ?(Figure1C).1C). The fusion kinase in patient 1 occurred at a novel breakpoint at intron 2 and intron 10 from a chromosome 10 inversion event, which differs from the fusion kinase breakpoints in thyroid cancer and lung cancer that fused exon 1 to exon 12-20 [9]. Patient 2 had an fusion kinase with amino-terminal exons 1-9 and carboxyl-terminal exons 12-19, with breakpoints at intron 9 and intron 11 from a chromosome 10 tandem duplication event (Figure ?(Figure1D).1D). The exon 12 in papillary thyroid carcinoma and NSCLC adenocarcinoma [10, 11]. Open in a separate window Figure 1 Characterization of fusions in CRC patientsA. Frequency of fusions in unselected metastatic CRC patients as detected by NGS. B. Genetic and clinicopathologic characteristics of 6 patients harboring fusion kinase. nd = no data and WT = wild type. C. Fusion of exon 11 (green) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 11 (red) containing the tyrosine kinase domain to generate fusion kinase. D. Fusion of exon 9 (orange) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 12 (red) containing the tyrosine domain to generate Lycorine chloride fusion kinase. Cytotoxic effect of RET kinase inhibitors in fusion-positive cancer cells Because regorafenib inhibits the proliferation of thyroid TT cells driven by oncogenic point mutation [12], we next tested the ability of regorafenib to inhibit fusion-positive cancer cells. Using two different primer pairs that either bound within the kinase domain or flanked the fusion site, Lycorine chloride we confirmed by quantitative PCR that Lc2/ad cancer cells, but not several KRAS wildtype and mutant CRC cells, harbored the fusion kinase (Figure ?(Figure2A)2A) [13]. Treatment with nanomolar concentration of regorafenib was cytotoxic to Lc2/ad cells, but the fusion-negative CRC cells remained resistant even at micomolar concentration (Figure ?(Figure2B).2B). Vandetanib and lenvatinib, which are FDA-approved RET kinase inhibitors with clinical efficacy against fusion-positive thyroid cancer [14, 15], followed the same pattern and specifically inhibited only Lc2/ad cells viability (Figure ?(Figure2C2C and ?and2D).2D). In contrast, both KRAS wildtype Lc2/ad and SW48 cells had increased sensitivity to erlotinib treatment, and KRAS mutant CRC cells were resistant to this EGFR kinase inhibitor as.Identification of CCDC6-RET fusion in the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line, LC-2/ad. been translated into effective therapeutic strategies [2], comprehensive genomic profiling has emerged as a promising approach that enables the identification of genomic biomarkers that may inform the use of targeted therapy in clinical trials. This therapeutic genomic paradigm is best demonstrated in tumors that are driven by activated protein tyrosine kinases due to oncogenic mutations or rearranged chromosomal fusion [3]. Classic examples include gefitinib inhibition of mutant kinase in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and imatinib inhibition of fusion kinase in chronic myeloid leukemia [4, 5]. Oncogenic point mutations and rearranged fusions induce hereditary and sporadic tumors [6]. fusion kinase occurs in nearly one-third of papillary thyroid cancer and 2% of lung adenocarcinoma, but is not yet identified in CRC [6]. fusion kinase juxtaposes the C-terminal kinase domain to an N-terminal coiled-coil or leucine zipper dimerization domain from multiple 5 fusion partners to trigger ligand independent activation of downstream signaling pathways such as RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT [6, 7]. Here, we prospectively identified by comprehensive genomic profiling the presence of fusion kinase in CRC patients. Evidence of therapeutic response in CRC patient with a fusion treated with the RET kinase inhibitor regorafenib highlights the therapeutic importance of genomic profiling in colorectal cancer. RESULTS Characterization of fusions in CRC patients To identify novel oncogenic drivers in colorectal cancer that may be targeted therapeutically, we performed prospective comprehensive genomic profiling using next generation sequencing (NGS) on metastatic colorectal tumors in the complete coding sequence of 236 cancer-related genes and the introns of 19 frequently rearranged cancer-related genes (Supplemental Table 1). Prior retrospective analyses with NGS of 40 CRC specimens detected a fusion kinase but did not identify any fusion kinase [8]. As expected, we detected mutations in and fusion kinases to give a frequency of 0.2% (Figure ?(Figure1A).1A). The clinicopathologic characteristics of these six fusion-positive CRC patients revealed the absence of a concurrent driver mutation or other fusion tyrosine kinases (Figure ?(Figure1B).1B). We identified two novel fusion kinases involving 5 fusion partners ((fusion kinase with amino-terminal exon 1-2 and carboxyl-terminal exon 11-19 (Figure ?(Figure1C).1C). The fusion kinase in patient 1 occurred at a novel breakpoint at intron 2 and intron 10 from a chromosome 10 inversion event, which differs from the fusion kinase breakpoints in thyroid cancer and lung cancer that fused exon 1 to exon 12-20 [9]. Patient 2 had an fusion kinase with amino-terminal exons 1-9 and carboxyl-terminal exons 12-19, with breakpoints at intron 9 and intron 11 from a chromosome 10 tandem duplication event (Figure ?(Figure1D).1D). The exon 12 in papillary thyroid carcinoma and NSCLC adenocarcinoma [10, 11]. Open in a separate window Figure 1 Characterization of fusions in CRC patientsA. Frequency of fusions in unselected metastatic CRC patients as detected by NGS. B. Genetic and clinicopathologic characteristics of 6 patients harboring fusion kinase. nd = no data and WT = wild type. C. Fusion of exon 11 (green) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 11 (red) containing the tyrosine kinase domain to generate fusion kinase. D. Fusion of exon 9 (orange) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 12 (red) containing the tyrosine domain to generate fusion kinase. Cytotoxic effect of RET kinase inhibitors in fusion-positive cancer cells Because regorafenib inhibits the proliferation of thyroid TT cells driven by oncogenic point mutation [12], we next tested the ability of regorafenib to inhibit fusion-positive cancer cells. Using two different primer pairs that either bound within the kinase domain or flanked the fusion site, we confirmed by quantitative PCR that Lc2/ad cancer cells, but not several KRAS wildtype and mutant CRC cells, harbored the fusion kinase (Figure ?(Figure2A)2A) [13]. Treatment with nanomolar concentration of regorafenib was cytotoxic to Lc2/ad cells, but the fusion-negative CRC cells remained resistant even at micomolar concentration (Figure ?(Figure2B).2B). Vandetanib and lenvatinib, which are FDA-approved RET kinase inhibitors with clinical efficacy against fusion-positive thyroid cancer [14, 15], followed the same pattern and specifically inhibited only Lc2/ad cells viability (Figure ?(Figure2C2C and.B. therapy in clinical trials. This therapeutic genomic paradigm is best demonstrated in tumors that are driven by activated protein tyrosine kinases due to oncogenic mutations or rearranged chromosomal fusion [3]. Classic examples include gefitinib inhibition of mutant kinase in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and imatinib inhibition of fusion kinase in chronic myeloid leukemia [4, 5]. Oncogenic point mutations and rearranged fusions induce hereditary and sporadic tumors [6]. fusion kinase occurs in nearly one-third of papillary thyroid cancer and 2% of lung adenocarcinoma, but is not yet identified in CRC [6]. fusion kinase juxtaposes the C-terminal kinase domain to an N-terminal coiled-coil or leucine zipper dimerization domain from multiple 5 fusion partners to trigger ligand independent activation of downstream signaling pathways such as RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT [6, 7]. Here, we prospectively identified by comprehensive genomic profiling the presence of fusion kinase in CRC patients. Evidence of therapeutic response in CRC patient with a fusion treated with the RET kinase inhibitor regorafenib highlights the therapeutic importance of genomic profiling in colorectal cancer. RESULTS Characterization of fusions in CRC patients To identify novel oncogenic drivers in colorectal cancer that may be targeted therapeutically, we performed prospective comprehensive genomic profiling using next generation sequencing (NGS) on metastatic colorectal tumors in the complete coding sequence of 236 cancer-related genes and the introns of 19 frequently rearranged cancer-related genes (Supplemental Table 1). Prior retrospective analyses with NGS of 40 CRC specimens detected a fusion kinase but did not identify any fusion kinase [8]. As expected, we detected mutations in and fusion kinases to give a frequency of 0.2% (Figure ?(Figure1A).1A). The clinicopathologic characteristics of these six fusion-positive CRC patients revealed the absence of a concurrent driver mutation or other fusion tyrosine kinases (Figure ?(Figure1B).1B). We identified two novel fusion kinases involving 5 fusion partners ((fusion kinase with amino-terminal exon 1-2 and carboxyl-terminal exon 11-19 (Figure ?(Figure1C).1C). The fusion kinase in patient 1 occurred at a novel breakpoint at intron 2 and intron 10 from a chromosome 10 inversion event, which differs from the fusion kinase breakpoints in thyroid cancer and lung cancer that fused exon 1 to exon 12-20 [9]. Patient 2 had an fusion kinase with amino-terminal exons 1-9 and carboxyl-terminal exons 12-19, with breakpoints at intron 9 and intron 11 from a chromosome 10 tandem duplication event (Figure ?(Figure1D).1D). The exon 12 in papillary thyroid carcinoma and NSCLC adenocarcinoma [10, 11]. Lycorine chloride Open in a separate window Figure 1 Characterization of fusions in CRC patientsA. Frequency of fusions in unselected metastatic CRC patients as detected by NGS. B. Genetic and clinicopathologic characteristics of 6 patients harboring fusion kinase. nd = no data and WT = wild type. C. Fusion of exon 11 (green) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 11 (red) containing the tyrosine kinase domain to generate fusion kinase. D. Fusion of exon 9 (orange) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 12 (red) containing the tyrosine domain to generate fusion kinase. Cytotoxic effect of RET kinase inhibitors in fusion-positive cancer cells Because regorafenib inhibits the proliferation of thyroid TT cells driven by oncogenic point mutation [12], we next tested the ability of regorafenib to inhibit fusion-positive cancer cells. Using two different primer pairs that either bound within the kinase domain or flanked the fusion site, we confirmed by quantitative PCR that Lc2/ad cancer cells, but not several KRAS wildtype and mutant CRC cells, harbored the fusion kinase (Figure ?(Figure2A)2A) [13]. Treatment with.K-ras mutations and benefit from cetuximab in advanced colorectal cancer. enables the identification of genomic biomarkers that may inform the use of targeted therapy in clinical trials. This therapeutic genomic paradigm is best demonstrated in tumors that are driven by activated protein tyrosine kinases due to oncogenic mutations or rearranged chromosomal fusion [3]. Classic examples include gefitinib inhibition of mutant kinase in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and imatinib inhibition of fusion kinase in chronic myeloid leukemia [4, 5]. Oncogenic point mutations and rearranged fusions induce hereditary and sporadic tumors [6]. fusion kinase occurs in nearly one-third of papillary thyroid cancer and 2% of lung adenocarcinoma, but is not yet identified in CRC [6]. fusion kinase juxtaposes the C-terminal kinase domain to an N-terminal coiled-coil or leucine zipper dimerization domain from multiple 5 fusion partners to trigger ligand independent activation of downstream signaling pathways such as RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT [6, 7]. Here, we prospectively identified by comprehensive genomic profiling the presence of fusion kinase in CRC patients. Evidence of therapeutic response in CRC patient with a fusion treated with the RET kinase inhibitor regorafenib highlights the therapeutic importance of genomic profiling in colorectal cancer. RESULTS Characterization of fusions in CRC patients To identify novel oncogenic drivers in colorectal cancer that may be targeted therapeutically, we performed prospective comprehensive genomic profiling using next generation sequencing (NGS) on metastatic colorectal tumors in the complete coding sequence of 236 cancer-related genes and the introns of 19 frequently rearranged cancer-related genes (Supplemental Table 1). Prior retrospective analyses with NGS of 40 CRC specimens detected a fusion kinase but did not identify any fusion kinase [8]. As expected, we detected mutations in and fusion kinases to give a frequency of 0.2% (Figure ?(Figure1A).1A). The clinicopathologic characteristics of these six fusion-positive CRC patients revealed the absence of a concurrent driver mutation or other fusion tyrosine kinases (Figure ?(Figure1B).1B). We identified two novel fusion kinases involving 5 fusion partners ((fusion kinase with amino-terminal exon 1-2 and carboxyl-terminal exon 11-19 (Figure ?(Figure1C).1C). The fusion kinase in patient 1 occurred at a novel breakpoint at intron 2 and intron 10 from a chromosome 10 inversion event, which differs through the fusion kinase breakpoints in thyroid cancer and lung cancer that fused exon 1 to exon 12-20 [9]. Patient 2 had an fusion kinase with amino-terminal exons 1-9 and carboxyl-terminal exons 12-19, with breakpoints at intron 9 and intron 11 from a chromosome 10 tandem duplication event (Figure ?(Figure1D).1D). The exon 12 in papillary thyroid carcinoma and NSCLC adenocarcinoma [10, 11]. Open in another window Figure 1 Characterization of fusions in CRC patientsA. Frequency of fusions in unselected metastatic CRC patients as detected by NGS. B. Genetic and clinicopathologic characteristics of 6 patients harboring fusion kinase. nd = no data and WT = wild type. C. Fusion of exon 11 (green) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 11 (red) containing the tyrosine kinase domain to create fusion kinase. D. Fusion of exon 9 (orange) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 12 (red) containing the tyrosine domain to create fusion kinase. Cytotoxic aftereffect of RET kinase inhibitors in fusion-positive cancer cells Because regorafenib inhibits the proliferation of thyroid TT cells driven by oncogenic point mutation [12], we next tested the power of regorafenib to inhibit fusion-positive cancer cells. Using two different.[PubMed] [Google Scholar] 23. kinase inhibition. This is actually the 1st characterization of fusions in CRC individuals and shows the therapeutic need for prospective extensive genomic profiling in advanced CRC. or mutation continues to be discovered to predict medical reap the benefits of treatment with anti-EGFR antibodies [1]. Although latest molecular characterization of CRC hasn’t however been translated into effective restorative strategies [2], extensive genomic profiling offers emerged like a guaranteeing approach that allows the recognition of genomic biomarkers that may inform the usage of targeted therapy in medical trials. This restorative genomic paradigm is most beneficial proven in tumors that are powered by activated proteins tyrosine kinases because of oncogenic mutations or rearranged chromosomal fusion [3]. Traditional for example gefitinib inhibition of mutant kinase in non-small cell lung tumor (NSCLC) and imatinib inhibition of fusion kinase in persistent myeloid leukemia [4, 5]. Oncogenic stage mutations and rearranged fusions stimulate hereditary and sporadic tumors [6]. fusion kinase happens in almost one-third of papillary thyroid tumor and 2% of lung adenocarcinoma, but isn’t yet determined in CRC [6]. fusion kinase juxtaposes the C-terminal kinase domain for an N-terminal coiled-coil or leucine zipper dimerization domain from multiple 5 fusion companions to trigger ligand independent activation of downstream signaling pathways such as for example RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT [6, 7]. Here, we prospectively identified by comprehensive genomic profiling the current presence of fusion kinase in CRC patients. Proof therapeutic response in CRC patient having a fusion treated using the RET kinase inhibitor regorafenib highlights the therapeutic need for genomic profiling in colorectal cancer. RESULTS Characterization of fusions in CRC patients To recognize novel oncogenic drivers in colorectal cancer which may be targeted therapeutically, we performed prospective comprehensive genomic profiling using next generation sequencing (NGS) on metastatic colorectal tumors in the entire coding sequence of 236 cancer-related genes as well as the introns of 19 frequently rearranged cancer-related genes (Supplemental Table 1). Prior retrospective analyses with NGS of 40 CRC specimens detected a fusion kinase but didn’t identify any fusion kinase [8]. Needlessly to say, we detected mutations in and fusion kinases to provide a frequency of 0.2% (Figure ?(Figure1A).1A). The clinicopathologic characteristics of the six fusion-positive CRC patients revealed the lack of a concurrent driver mutation or other fusion tyrosine kinases (Figure ?(Figure1B).1B). We identified two novel fusion kinases involving 5 fusion partners ((fusion kinase with amino-terminal exon 1-2 and carboxyl-terminal exon 11-19 (Figure ?(Figure1C).1C). The fusion kinase in patient 1 occurred at a novel breakpoint at intron 2 and intron 10 from a chromosome 10 inversion event, which differs through the fusion kinase breakpoints in thyroid cancer and lung cancer that fused exon 1 to exon 12-20 [9]. Patient 2 had an fusion kinase with amino-terminal exons 1-9 and carboxyl-terminal exons 12-19, with breakpoints at intron 9 and intron 11 from a chromosome 10 tandem duplication event (Figure ?(Figure1D).1D). The exon 12 in papillary thyroid carcinoma and NSCLC adenocarcinoma [10, 11]. Open in another window Figure 1 Characterization of fusions in CRC patientsA. Frequency of fusions in unselected metastatic CRC patients as detected by NGS. B. Genetic and clinicopathologic characteristics of 6 patients harboring fusion kinase. nd = no data and WT = wild type. C. Fusion of exon 11 (green) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 11 (red) containing the tyrosine kinase domain to create fusion kinase. D. Fusion of exon 9 (orange) containing the coiled-coil domain to exon 12 (red) containing the tyrosine domain to create fusion kinase. Cytotoxic aftereffect of RET kinase inhibitors in fusion-positive cancer cells Because regorafenib inhibits the proliferation of thyroid TT cells driven by oncogenic point mutation [12], we next tested the power of regorafenib to inhibit fusion-positive cancer cells. Using two TGFB1 different primer pairs that either bound inside the kinase domain.